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Let me personally welcome you and thank you for visiting Cornerstone Bible Church online. Our desire is to exalt our great God and to lift up His dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, through the clear proclamation of His Word, the Bible.

We believe in the absolute authority and sufficiency of the Bible and the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that God's people can best be served when they practically understand God's Word, apply it into their lives, and have their attention moment by moment focused upon our dear Savior. As a body of believer's we have a compassionate desire to reach out into our community in order to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

If you desire straightforward, Christ-centered, verse-by-verse expository preaching, vibrant traditional worship, and share in our passion for the lost, then we would welcome you to join us. As a church we ascribe to the Cambridge Declaration: a call from the Association of Confessing Evangelicals for churches to resist worldliness in worship and ministry and to hold to true, Biblical evangelicalism.

We invite you to explore our ministries and resources available to you on our website, and we would enjoy the privilege of meeting you in person. If we could serve you in any way please feel free to contact us.

"For the Glory of Christ, and the Honor of His Word"


Bill Vine is our Pastor-Teacher. Prior to taking up the pastorate at CBC, Pastor Bill was employed by Cedarville University and had a busy pulpit ministry as an itinerant preacher, filling pulpits for vacationing pastors throughout the area. He has led five student mission teams to Brazil and in February 2002, he was an instructor at Penza Bible Institute in Penza, Russia. In 2001 Pastor Bill, his wife Shari and their five children (Billy, Josiah, David, Rebekah, and Samuel) moved to Ohio from Southern California where Pastor Bill taught and preached at The Master's College in Santa Clarita for nine years and pursued a successful career as an athletic trainer. Pastor Bill was educated at San Jose State UniversityCalifornia State University, Chico; and has taken classes from The Masters Seminary, Sun Valley, California.